Growing Strong in God's Family:
Rooted and Built Up in Him

Instructor: Minister Anthony Heyward

Prepare your heart for God’s Word to take root and bear fruit in your life. Develop tried-and-true ways to get the most from your Bible reading and learn to hear God’s voice as you track the significant passages that speak to your heart. Dig deep and discover the strength of God’s Word for you. A Christian disciple is one who puts Jesus first, obeys the Lord, produces good fruit, loves others, and makes more disciples. Such a one is sure to make an impact in this fallen world for the glory of God. The course is based upon the Navigators 2:7 Series. The title is based on the Scripture reference Colossians 2:7—the words of the Apostle Paul to a New Testament church.
Come and see and follow Christ!
Classes meet on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm via Zoom. All students are expected to participate in Chapel services.